Wednesday, October 03, 2007

We were seating beside each other yet a hello aren't even spared. we tried avoiding for the same bus yet our mission still failed .. I don't see whats the problem , I thought we were the better ones, the sisters some may called , I thought I don;t mind losing others but why you. we spent the macs tog, the noodles we ate the money you lent. the cake i bought the tears u shed when im yet 18. I assumed you dote-d me. but why are all these happening. why are you running away from this issue. don't you find it important . Dont you miss me, dontyou remember our friendship. :(

tears indeed went falling , it just did .. Why had this friendship meant so mcuh when maybe it don't even longer exsist in you ,


anyway. I tend to open my vision wider , further to be just seen, perhaps even to go deeper.

maybe shudn't waste so much time on these why not throwing all these why and why to Math instead.won't it gona be more practical.we don't have much time left, 2weeksmaybe three left. happymuggn

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